Gralo is an innovative agricultural holding model organised according to the principles of circular economy. It installed a wastewater treatment plant for treating wastewater discharged from its accommodation capacities, and the recycled water is used to water the green areas within the complex and the ‘energy willows’ − incredibly fast-growing shrubs and bushes, whose regular cutting can provide a sizable quantity of biomass. Biomass obtained from energy willows in the form of woodchips is used to produce pellets that in turn heat greenhouses and hotbeds, reducing this rural household’s dependence on external power sources. The estate’s hotbeds grow vegetables, with irrigation from a well and fertilisation with locally generated manure and compost made of the estate’s biowaste.

Impact achieved

9,000 l

Quantities of processed wastewater discharged into recipient


65,700,000 kg/t

Quantity of waste reduced/reused and/or recycled in 20 years or during project life cycle 


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