This innovation sets up an air filtration system within an automobile waste recycling line, and therefore enhances this waste management system. Owing to the procurement of necessary equipment, the separation of various metal and non-ferrous metal fractions will be enabled within the recycling plant in Krnješevci, which will create conditions for recycling 80-90% of a vehicle in Serbia, rather than abroad, as was the case thus far. This will create 99.99% pure granulate that will be placed to local foundries. In addition, an analysis of the existing situation in automobile waste management will be developed with recommendations for further improvements in the field.

Impact achieved

165,888 kg/t

Quantity of waste reduced/reused and/or recycled in 20 years or during project life cycle 


No Data Found


With EU support Automotive and Construction Textile Waste Becomes New Product

Belgrade, September 20, 2024 – With the support of the European Union within the project “EU for the Green Agenda in Serbia“, two companies in the vicinity of Belgrade recycle automotive and construction textile waste to create new products. This contributes to the transition from a linear to a circular business model, more efficient use of resources and energy, reduction of waste and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as to cleaner environment.

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