A green belt of tall plants and autochthonous trees will be planted between the “Tigar Tires” factory complex and the E80 highway road, which will significantly reduce air pollution caused…
Household heating using poor quality biomass and devices that do not comply with environmental standards is a significant source of air pollution. This innovative solution develops a new and improved…
In order to improve air quality in Užice, the city administration replaced old, inefficient, and polluting furnaces in 65 socially vulnerable households with replacements that are energy efficient and environmentally…
The solution involves afforestation of a four-hectare devastated area in Divčibare, close to the Crni Vrh ski slopes, using 10,000 two-year old black pine saplings. This will rejuvenate existing green…
Gralo is an innovative agricultural holding model organised according to the principles of circular economy. It installed a wastewater treatment plant for treating wastewater discharged from its accommodation capacities, and…
The waste from three medicinal herbs: immortelle, lavender and heather, generated by “Sanicula” company in their essential oil manufacturing, will be treated by the Faculty of Biology and the Institute…
“DigitaLLeather” is developing software and hardware to improve leather goods manufacturing, which will automate discovering flaws in the leather with the aid of artificial intelligence, i.e. a machine learning system.…
This innovation sets up an air filtration system within an automobile waste recycling line, and therefore enhances this waste management system. Owing to the procurement of necessary equipment, the separation…
This solution involves starting a pilot biowaste treatment facility to grow black soldier fly larvae. They decompose collected organic waste and create protein flower that can serve as animal food…
The Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences has cooperated with “PR Amelles” on the development and application of green material synthesis technologies for the purpose of manufacturing new cosmetic products: natural…
For its raw material, this innovation uses materials that are hard to recycle - textile, rubber and plastic - to manufacture construction blocks. Apart from these recycled materials, the blocks…
The ArTech company, in collaboration with the ‘Experiment Zone,’ produces ‘retex’ from construction textile waste (such as awnings and tarpaulins) —a new construction material suitable for roads, buildings, infrastructure, interior…
This portal was developed within the “EU for Green Agenda in Serbia ” project. This initiative, with the technical and financial support of the European Union and in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, is implemented by UNDP in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden and the European Investment Bank (EIB), with additional financial resources provided by the governments of Sweden, Switzerland and Serbia.